Wednesday 30 January 2013

Part 1 Guide 3900 補充事項 - 境外依親移民

Guide 3900寫道:
As of October 25, 2012, CIC introduced amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. The amendments specify that spouses, common-law or conjugal partners who are in a relationship with their sponsor for two years or less and have no children in common with their sponsor at the time of the sponsorship application are subject to a period of conditional permanent residence. The condition requires the sponsored spouse or partner to cohabit in a conjugal relationship with their sponsor for a period of two years after the day on which they became a permanent resident. The conditional measure only applies to permanent residents whose applications are received on October 25, 2012, or after the day that the amendments come into force.

『這段文字是告知加拿大移民法修正之後,在20121025日送達CIC移民局的依親移民申請者若審核通過後將適用二年有條件PR,而非過去之永久PR,前提是: 如果申請依親移民者和另一半的關係沒有共同的孩子。
因此,若您和您的另一半己有孩子,則當你的移民通過之後,您將拿到永久PR的資格,若您還未有小孩,則您只能拿到二年有條件的PR資格,這是CIC 為了杜絕假結婚而修正移民法的,當然二年的PR期限到之後若您和另一半的關係還存在,CIC才會核發出永久PR~~基本上二年有條件PR享有的權利義務 和永久PR一樣,只是再多等二年才能拿到永久PR
順便再補充一點: 持有二年有條件PR的人在拿到資格那天算起的未來二年內和另一半都要有居住一起滿二年的事實

所以還是可以申請啦.... 害我一度以為要在加拿大一起住超過兩年才可以申請

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